DR. A. RAMASWAMY REDDY is the Director and Professor of CSE at Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous). He obtained his PhD from JNTUK, Kakinada in the faculty of Computer Science and Engineering. He has 19+ years of experience in teaching and research. He worked at various capacities like Principal, Dean, Head, Controller of examiner and chief warder at reputed engineering colleges
He is well-versed in sophisticated research techniques and technologies, applications of Image Processing,
Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques. He also possesses excellent knowledge and skill of
various programming languages and expertise in lab and research, data collection/analysis.
He has guided over 200 B.Tech students, 50 M.Tech students and currently 5 PhD students
are working under his supervision.
DR. A. RAMASWAMY REDDY has published in more than 25 refereed international journals and presented papers
in many national and international conference.
He has given over 30 guest lectures/seminars, organized around 20 workshops/conferences/guest lectures
and attended as a resource person for organizing workshops outside.
He is a member of many societies like IEEE,
ISTE, Life Membership FIE.