18.1 Name of the Institution
Maisammaguda(H), Gundlapochampally Village,
Medchal Mandal,
Medchal-Malkajgiri District,
Telangana State - 500100
Mobile: 9348161125
E-Mail: principal@mrec.ac.in
18.2 Name and address of the Society
CMR Educational Society
Survey No:59
Jaya Nagar Colony,
New Bowenpally,
Telangana State - 500011
Mobile: 9032323264
E-Mail: secretary@mrec.ac.in
18.3 Name and Address of the Principal
Dr. A. Ramaswami Reddy
Maisammaguda(H), Gundlapochampally Village,
Medchal Mandal,
Medchal-Malkajgiri District,
Telangana State - 500100
Mobile: 7093767183
E-Mail: principal@mrec.ac.in
18.4 Name of the affiliating University
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad
18.5 Governance
- Organizational chart
- Grievance Redressal mechanism for Faculty, staff and students
The function of the cell is to look into the complaints lodged by any student/faculty, and judge its merit. The Grievance cell is also empowered to look into matters of harassment. Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the committee members in person, or with the officer in-charge Grievance Cell. In case the person is unwilling to appear in self, grievances may be dropped in writing at the letterbox/ suggestion box of the Grievance Cell at Administrative Block. Grievances may also be sent through e-mail to grievanceredressal@mrec.in ,the officer in-charge of Grievance Cell.
The objective of the Grievance Cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.
A Grievance Cell should be constituted for the redressal of the problems reported by the Students/Faculty of the College with the following objectives:
1. Upholding the dignity of the College by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the College through promoting cordial Student-Student relationship and Student-teacher relationship etc.
2. Encouraging the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.
3. Suggestion / complaint Box is installed in front of the Administrative Block in which the Students, who want to remain anonymous, put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the Academics / Administration in the College.
4. Advising Students of the College to respect the right and dignity of one another and show utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises.
5. Advising All the Students to refrain from inciting Students against other Students, teachers and College administration
6. Advising all staffs to be affectionate to the Students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
7. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in and outside the institution. Any violation of ragging and disciplinary rules should be urgently brought to the notice of the Principal.
Scope :
The cell will deal with Grievances received in writing from the students/faculty about any of the following matters:-
- Academic Matters: Related to timely issue of duplicate Mark-sheets, Transfer Certificates, Conduct Certificates or other examination related matters.
- Financial Matters: Related to dues and payments for various items from library, hostels etc.
- Other Matters: Related to certain misgivings about conditions of sanitation, preparation of food, availability of transport, victimization by teachers etc.
Functions :
- The cases will be attended promptly on receipt of written grievances from the students/faculty.
- The cell formally will review all cases and will act accordingly as per the Management policy.
- The cell will give report to the authority about the cases attended to and the number of pending cases, if any, which require direction and guidance from the higher authorities.
Procedure for lodging complaint :
- The students/faculty may feel free to put up a grievance at grievanceredressal@mrec.in or drop boxes in the admin dept.
- The Grievance Cell will act upon those cases which have been forwarded along with the necessary documents.
- The Grievance Cell will assure that the grievance has been properly solved in a stipulated time limit provided by the cell.
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/IQAC/IQACGrievanceRedressalCell
iii. Establishment of Anti Ragging Committee
Composition of Anti-Ragging Squad nominated by Head of the Institution (2024-25)
S.No. |
Name of the Faculty |
Designation |
Position in the Committee |
Contact No. & E- Mail Id |
1. |
Dr. A.Rama Swami Reddy |
Principal & Professor |
Chairman |
9348161125 |
2. |
Dr. G. Ramireddy, Dean, H&S |
Professor |
Coordinator |
9949164505 |
3. |
Dr.B.Sudarshan Reddy, HoD, CE |
Professor |
Member |
4. |
Dr. M. Kondalu, HoD, EEE |
Professor |
Member |
9966440958 |
5. |
Dr A Raveendra, HoD, ME |
Professor |
Member |
9502294258 |
6. |
Dr. J Sunil kumar, HoD, ECE |
Professor |
Member |
9603633399 |
7. |
Dr P S R Chandra Murthy, HoD, CSE |
Professor |
Member |
8985245879 |
8. |
Dr Shivaprasad Satla, HoD, CSE(DS) |
Professor |
Member |
9502390514 |
9. |
Dr. Deena Babu Mandru HoD, IT, B.AIML |
Professor |
Member |
9491369993 dr.deenababumandru@mrec.ac.in |
10. |
Dr.K Vasanth Kumar HoD-IOT & Mining |
Professor |
Member |
9940674227 |
11. |
Dr. P. Srinivas HoD, CSE(CS) |
Professor |
Member |
9500210190 |
12. |
Dr. U Mohan Srinivas |
Professor |
Member |
9052760536 |
13. |
Dr. U Pushpa Latha, HoD,English |
Professor |
Member |
8919785063 |
14. |
Dr. Sk Mustaq Ali HoD, Mathematics |
Professor |
Member |
7382550136 |
15. |
Mr V K. Vamsi Krishna , HoD, Physics |
Professor |
Member |
9440701019 |
16. |
Mr S Chandra Sekhar, HoD, Chemistry |
Assistant Professor |
Member |
9550698874 |
17. |
Dr. N. Ramanjaneyulu, HoD, MBA |
Professor |
Member |
9491363735 mbahod@mrec.ac.in |
18. |
Mrs. B Srikanth |
PD |
Member |
6300456195 |
- Establishment of Online Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/IQAC/IQACGrievanceRedressalCell
- Details of Grievance Redressal Committee in the Institution and OMBUDSMAN by the University
Members of Grievance Redressal Committee (2024-2025)
Sl.No |
Composition |
Name of the Faculty |
Role in the Committee |
Contact No. & E-Mail ID |
1 |
University Nominee |
Dr.G.V. Venkata Rami Reddy Professor of IT, SIT, JNTUH |
Member |
gvr_reddy@yahoo.co.in |
2 |
Senior Professor Nominated by Principal |
Dr.Sabitha Kumari Francis Professor in H&S |
Coordinator |
9908221893 sabithaamar@gmail.com |
3 |
One Coordinator from each department nominated by HOD-member |
Ms.Uma Maheswari Assistant Professor, EEE |
Member |
9666694031 tuma2k17@mrec.ac.in |
4 |
Ms.Silpa Associate Professor, ECE |
Member |
9490421721 silpa@mrec.acin |
5 |
Ms.K.Harshada Associate Professor, CE |
Member |
9603026547 harshadak@mrec.ac.in |
6 |
Ms.V.Pratibha Assistant Professor, H&S |
Member |
9398914653 pratibhavarikoti67@gmail.com |
7 |
Dr.U.Pushpa Latha Associate Professor, English |
Member |
8919785063 upushpalatha225@gmail.com |
8 |
Mr.M.Naresh Assistant Professor, Mining |
Member |
8847854379 naresh96@mrec.ac.in |
9 |
Mr.Srinivas. M Assistant Professor, MBA |
Member |
9676369811 srinu.meenu@gmail.com |
10 |
Ms.P.Yamuna Assistant Professor, Physics |
Member |
9908351329 Pushkuri.yamuna@gmail.com |
11 |
Ms.Srujana Assistant Professor, CSE |
Member |
9701883109 srujanamannepuli@gmail.com |
12 |
Ms.K.Rama Tulasi Assistant Professor, Mathematics |
Member |
8639195741 ramatulasikoppula@gmail.com |
13 |
Ms.A.Sowmya Assistant Professor, DS |
Member |
9494282495 sonuadulapuram@gmail.com |
14 |
Ms.K.Suma Assistant Professor, CS |
Member |
8639731185 suman1995@mrec.ac.in |
15 |
Ms.A.Lakshmi Prasanna, Assistant Professor, IOT |
Member |
9160848766 prasannapapli@gmail.com |
16 |
Ms.G.Sowmya Assistant Professor, IT |
Member |
7075090824 Soumya39.gali@gmail.com |
17 |
Ms.P.DahanaLakshmi Assistant Professor, AIML |
Member |
9912726385 |
18 |
Miss..Manvitha Reddy.P
Student Member |
7702640329 Patlollamanvitha14@gmail.com |
19 |
Mr.Afroz |
Student Member |
9618089179 afroz3010@gmail.com |
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/AQAR/Notification%20for%20Ombudsperson.pdf
- Establishment of Internal Committee (IC)
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/ComplianceCell/Index
vii. Establishment of Committee for SC/ST
SC/STCell Committee
S.No. |
Composition |
Name of the Faculty |
Role in the Committee |
Contact No. & E-Mail Id |
1. |
· Principal- Chairman · One HoD- Convener · One faculty Coordinator · One faculty -Member · All Hostel Wardens– Member
· Scholarship section–In- charge – Member
· One Student representati ve -Member |
Dr.A.Ramaswami Reddy |
Chairman |
9348161125 principal@mrec.ac.in |
2. |
Dr.D.Chandra Sekhar EEE |
Coordinator |
9885747095 dcsekhar@mrec.ac.in |
3. |
Mrs.B.Dharani, MBA |
Member |
7981998323 dharanibodhana@mrec.ac.in |
4. |
Dr.S.Ashok Kumar, CE |
Member |
9908506216 ashokkumarce@mrec.ac.in |
5. |
Mr.V.Ghanesh Kumar, EEE |
Member |
9505563038 vghaneshkumar@mrec.ac.in |
7. |
Mr.P.Srinivas Reddy Boys Hostel Warden |
Member |
9848502151 Srinivasreddypingala69@gmail.com |
8. |
Mrs.D.Srivani Girls Hostel Warden |
Member |
9391774313 mrwhostel1123@gmail.com |
9. |
Mr.Ch.Vinay Kumar Scholarship Section |
Member |
800897853 mscholarship@mrec.ac.in |
10. |
Mr.I Venkat II ECE |
Student Member |
9100438990 Inapanurivenkat121@gmail.com |
11. |
Mrs.B.Shruthi III EEE |
Student Member |
9347312263 Shruthi604@gmail.com |
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Images/IQACCommittee/20250201112646-SC-ST%20cell%20Committe%20for%20the%20%202024%2025.docx
viii. Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Composition of IQAC Committee – A.Y 2024-25
Sl. No. |
Role |
Designation |
Name |
Chairman |
Head of the Institute |
Dr. A. Ramaswami Reddy, Principal, MREC |
2. |
Member |
Members from Management |
Mr. P. Praveen Reddy, Director, MRGI |
3. |
Members |
Senior administrative officers |
Dr. S. Udaya Bhaskar, Dean Academics |
4. |
Members |
Teachers to Represent All Levels |
Dr. V. Madhusudhan Reddy, Dean, H&S |
Dr. A. Raveendra, HoD, ME |
Dr. B. Sudharshan Reddy, HoD, CE |
Dr. M. Kondalu, HoD, EEE |
Dr. M. Devarajan, HOD, ECE |
Dr. N. Ramanjaneyulu, HoD, MBA |
Dr. M. Deena Babu, HoD, IT |
Dr. B. Sridhar Babu, Professor, MECH |
Dr. Raja ReddyDuvvuru, Associate Professor, EEE |
Dr. C. Silpa, Associate Professor, ECE |
Dr. K. Sunil, Associate Professor, H&S |
Dr. A. Srinivasa Rao, TPO |
Dr. T. Srinivas Reddy, Dean MIC |
Dr. Halesh Koti, CoE |
5. |
Nominee from |
Local Society |
Grama Panchayat, Sarpanch, Gundlapochampally. |
Students |
Chiluka Padmasri II B. Tech. (MECH) B. Shruthi, III B. Tech. (EEE) Merugu Shashreek III B.Tech. (ECE) |
Alumni |
Mr. PoranlaVenu Gopal, Site Engineer, Vasant Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. |
6. |
Nominee from |
Employers |
Mr. P.C.S. Nivas, Lead L & D Head Campus Connect, INFOSYS, Hyd. |
Industrialists / Stakeholders |
Mr. Amaralingeswara Rao Kaka, Lab Services Leader, IBM India Private Limited, Bangalore-560045. |
7. |
Member Secretary |
Dean IQAC |
Dr. T. Rajesh, Professor, EEE |
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/IQAC/IQACComposition
About IQAC Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Images/IQAC/IQAC.pdf
18.6 Programmes
- Name of Programmes approved by AICTE
Programme |
Details |
Undergraduate Programmes |
Civil Engineering |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Computer Science and Engineering |
Information Technology |
Mining Engineering |
B.Tech Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning |
CSE - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning |
CSE – Cyber Security |
CSE – Data Science |
CSE – Internet of Things |
Computer Science and Information Technology |
Postgraduate Programmes |
Thermal Engineering, |
Computer Science and Engineering |
Electrical Power Systems |
Structural Engineering |
VLSI and Embedded Systems |
Master of Business Administration |
- Name of Programmes Accredited by NBA
Under Graduate:
Programme |
Details |
Undergraduate Programmes |
Civil Engineering |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Computer Science and Engineering |
Information Technology |
Postgraduate Programmes |
Thermal Engineering, |
Computer Science and Engineering |
Electrical Power Systems |
Master of Business Administration |
iii. Status of Accreditation of the Courses
Programme |
Details |
Validity |
Undergraduate Programmes |
Civil Engineering |
July 2024 to June 2027 |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
July 2024 to June 2027 |
Mechanical Engineering |
July 2024 to June 2027 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
July 2024 to June 2027 |
Computer Science and Engineering |
July 2024 to June 2027 |
Information Technology |
July 2024 to June 2027 |
Post Graduate Programmes |
Thermal Engineering, |
July 2022 to June 2025 |
Computer Science and Engineering |
July 2022 to June 2025 |
Electrical Power Systems |
July 2022 to June 2025 |
Master of Business Administration |
July 2024 to June 2027 |
- Total number of Courses: 19(UG -13 & PG-6)
- For each Programme the following details are to be given (Preferably in Tabular form):
S.No |
Name |
Number of seats |
Duration |
Cut off marks/rank of admission during the lastyears |
1 |
Civil Engineering |
60 |
4 years |
80283-140680 |
2 |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
60 |
4 years |
84099-122439 |
3 |
Mechanical Engineering |
30 |
4 years |
71351-143365 |
4 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
180 |
4 years |
25074-134660 |
5 |
Computer Science and Engineering |
720 |
4 years |
7158-68282 |
6 |
Information Technology |
180 |
4 years |
16739-129725 |
7 |
Mining Engineering |
30 |
4 years |
117984-162724 |
8 |
B.Tech Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning |
60 |
4 years |
9 |
CSE - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning |
720 |
4 years |
14059-71511 |
10 |
CSE – Cyber Security |
180 |
4 years |
15059-81512 |
11 |
CSE – Data Science |
720 |
4 years |
17984-62724 |
12 |
CSE – Internet of Things |
13 |
Computer Science and Information Technology |
60 |
4 years |
14 |
Thermal Engineering, |
12 |
2 years |
15 |
Computer Science and Engineering |
18 |
2 years |
16 |
Electrical Power Systems |
12 |
2 years |
17 |
Structural Engineering |
30 |
2 years |
18 |
VLSI and Embedded Systems |
18 |
2 years |
19 |
Master of Business Administration |
300 |
2 years |
- Fee (as approved by the state government)
Undergraduate Programmes: Rs. 1,15,000/- (Rupees one lakh fifteen thousand only)
Post Graduate Programmes: Rs. 60,000/- (Rupees Sixty thousand only)
vii. Name and duration of Programme(s) having Twinning and Collaboration with Foreign University(s) and being run in the same Campus along with status of their AICTE approval. If there is Foreign Collaboration, give the following details, if any:
Not Applicable
- Details of the Foreign University, if any
- Name of the University
- Address
- Website
- Accreditation status of the University in its Home Country
- Ranking of the University in the Home Country
- Whether the degree offered is equivalent to an Indian Degree? If yes, the name of the
agency which has approved equivalence. If no, implications for students in terms of pursuit
Not Applicable
viii. Nature of Collaboration
- Complete details of payment a student has to make to get the full benefit of Collaboration
- For each Programme Collaborated provide the following:
- Programme Focus
xii. Number of seats
xiii. Admission Procedure
xiv. Fee (as approved by the state government)
- Whether the Collaboration Programme is approved by AICTE? If not whether the Domestic/ Foreign University has applied to AICTE for approval
Not Applicable
18.7 Faculty
- Course/Branch wise list Faculty members:
- Permanent Faculty
Total Permanent Faculty available in the institution: 452
iii. Adjunct Faculty
Not Available
- Permanent Faculty: Student Ratio: 1:19
18.8 Profile of Principal
- Name : Dr. A. Ramaswami Reddy
- Date of Birth : 08-05-1977
iii. Unique ID : 0012-160311-144543
- Education Qualifications : Ph.D
- Work Experience : 25 Years
- Teaching/ Research/ Industry/ Others : 25 Years
vii. Area of Specialization : Machine Learning
viii. Courses taught at Diploma/ Post Diploma/ Under Graduate/ Post Graduate/ Post Graduate Diploma
- Research guidance (Number of Students) : 09
- No. of papers published in National/International Journals/Conferences : 72
- Master (Completed/Ongoing) : Completed 51, ongoing - 02
xii. Ph.D. (Completed/Ongoing) : Completed -07, Ongoing - 02
xiii. Projects Carried out : 08
xiv. Patents (Filed & Granted) : 06
- Technology Transfer : 01
xvi. Research Publications : 72
(No. of papers published in National/International Journals/Conferences)
xvii. No. of Books published with details
(Name of the book, Publisher with ISBN, year of publication, etc.) :
S.No |
Book Name |
Type of Book |
Publisher |
1. |
Microprocessor and micro controller |
Text book and self |
Akinik Publications,
(ISBN No: 978-93-90420-90-2) |
2. |
Object oriented programming through java |
Textbook and self |
- Seven Hills Internationals Publishers |
(ISBN No: 978-93-88096-12-6) |
3. |
Programming for problem solving |
Textbook and self |
sun techno Publication Hyderabad
(ISBN No: 978-81-948308-1-8). |
4. |
Best practice in c programming |
Textbook and self |
Sri Padmavathi Publications
(ISBN No: 978-81-7800-119-4). |
18.9 Fee
- No. of Fee waivers granted with amount and name of students :
- Number of scholarship offered by the Institution, duration and amount :
18.10 Admission
- Number of seats sanctioned with the year of approval:
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Images/EOA/EOA_Report_2024-25.pdf
- Number of Students admitted under various categories each year in the last three years :
Year |
Coun |
Spot |
Mgmt |
Total |
2024-25 |
1072 |
18 |
426 |
1516 |
2023-24 |
1218 |
20 |
463 |
1701 |
2022-23 |
884 |
32 |
351 |
1267 |
iii. Number of applications received during last year for admission under Management Quota and number admitted:
484 Applications Received
426 Admissions
18.11 Admission Procedure
- Mention the admission test being followed, name and address of theTest Agency/State Admission Authorities and its URL (website)
Website Link: https://tgeapcetb.nic.in/
- Number of seats allotted to different Test Qualified candidate separately (AIEEE//JEE/ CET (State conducted test/ University tests/ CMAT)/ Association conducted test etc.)
iii. Calendar for admission against Management quota seats:
- Last date of request for applications : 25.08.2024
- Last date of submission of applications: 25.08.2024
- Dates for announcing final results: 27.08.2024
vii. Release of admission list (main list and waiting list shall be announced on the same day)
viii. Date for acceptance by the candidate (time given shall in no case be less than 15 days)
- Last date for closing of admission & Starting of the Academic session
- The waiting list shall be activated only on the expiry of date of main list
- The policy of refund of the Fee, in case of withdrawal, shall be clearly notified
18.12 Criteria and Weightages for Admission
- Describe each criterion with its respective weightages i.e. Admission Test, marks in qualifying examination etc.
- Mention the minimum Level of acceptance, if any
iii. Mention the cut-off Levels of percentage and percentile score of the candidates in the admission test for the last three years
- Display marks scored in Test etc. and in aggregate for all candidates who were admitted
18.13 List of Applicants
List of candidate whose applications have been received along with percentile/percentages core for each of the qualifying examination in separate categories for open seats.
List of candidate who have applied along with percentage and percentile score for Management quota seats (merit wise)
18.14 Results of Admission Under Management seats/Vacant seats
- Composition of selection team for admission under Management Quota:
Composition of Committee for admission under Management Quotae – A.Y 2024-25
Sl. No. |
Role |
Designation |
Name |
Chairman |
Head of the Institute, Principal |
Dr. A. Ramaswami Reddy, Principal, MREC |
2. |
Member |
Members from Management |
Mr. Ch. Bhadra Reddy, Secretary, MRGI |
3. |
Members |
Admission coordinator |
Dr. S. Udaya Bhaskar, Dean Academics |
4. |
Members |
Heads of the Departments |
Dr. V. Madhusudhan Reddy, Dean, H&S |
Dr. A. Raveendra, HoD, ME |
Dr. B. Sudharshan Reddy, HoD, CE |
Dr. M. Kondalu, HoD, EEE |
Dr. M. Devarajan, HOD, ECE |
Dr. N. Ramanjaneyulu, HoD, MBA |
Dr. M. Deena Babu, HoD, IT |
Dr. B. Sridhar Babu, Professor, MECH |
Dr. Raja Reddy Duvvuru, Associate Professor, EEE |
Dr. C. Silpa, Associate Professor, ECE |
Dr. K. Sunil, Associate Professor, H&S |
Dr. A. Srinivasa Rao, TPO |
Dr. T. Srinivas Reddy, Dean MIC |
Dr. Halesh Koti, CoE |
5. |
Nominee from |
Industrialists / Stakeholders |
Mr. Amaralingeswara Rao Kaka, Lab Services Leader, IBM India Private Limited, Bangalore-560045. |
- List of candidate who have been offered admission
iii. Waiting list of the candidate in order of merit to be operative from the last date of joining of the first list candidate
18.15 Information of Infrastructure and Other Resources Available
- Number of Class Rooms and size of each : 84, size 66 square metre
- Number of Tutorial rooms and size of each : 50, size 66 square metre
iii. Number of Laboratories and size of each : 97, size 66 square metre
- Number of Computer Centres with capacity of each : 08, size 120 square metre
- Central Examination Facility, Number of rooms and capacity of each : 06, size 120 square metre
- Online examination facility (Number of Nodes, Internet band width, etc.):
vii. Barrier Free Built Environment for disabled and elderly persons:
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/PCSFacilities/Index
viii. Fire and Safety Certificate :
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/NAACDocument/20241029165227-E-8%20FIRE%20SAFETY%20FILES%20s.pdf
- Hostel Facilities :
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Infrastructure/InfrastructureHostel
- Number of Library books/ebooks/Titles/Journals available (Programme-wise)
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Infrastructure/LibraryResources
- List of online National/International Journals subscribed
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Infrastructure/LibraryOnlineResources
xii. National Digital Library (NDL) subscription details
Website Link: https://www.ndl.gov.in/
xiii. List of Major Equipment/Facilities in each Laboratory/Workshop
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Infrastructure/InfrastructureLabs
xiv. List of Experimental Setup in each Laboratory/Workshop
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Infrastructure/InfrastructureLabs
- Innovation Cell
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/MIC/Index
xvi. Social Media Cell
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Events/Index
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/SAC/SACOverview
xvii. Compliance of the Academic Bank of Credit (ABC), applicable to PGCM/ PGDM Institutions and University Departments
Not Applicable
xviii. To upload the respective short video (1-2 min) of Infrastructure and facilities available
w.r.t the courses in the website
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/mreccampusvideo.mp4
xix. Games and Sports Facilities
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Sports/SportsFacilities
- Teaching Learning Process
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Infrastructure/ICTFacilities
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/EContent/Index
xxi. For each Post Graduate Courses give the following:
xxii. Title of the Course
S.No |
Name |
Number of seats |
Duration |
1 |
Thermal Engineering, |
12 |
2 years |
2 |
Computer Science and Engineering |
18 |
2 years |
3 |
Electrical Power Systems |
12 |
2 years |
4 |
Structural Engineering |
30 |
2 years |
5 |
VLSI and Embedded Systems |
18 |
2 years |
6 |
Master of Business Administration |
300 |
2 years |
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/EnquiryForm
xxiii. Laboratory facilities exclusive to the Post Graduate Course
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Infrastructure/InfrastructureLabs
18.16 Enrolment and placement details of students in the last 3 years
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Placements/PlacementsStats
18.17 List of Research Projects/Consultancy Works
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/Research/ResearchFundedProjects
18.18 MoUs with Industries:
Website Link: https://mrec.ac.in/IIIC/MOUDetails
NOTE: Suppression and/or misrepresentation of information shall invite appropriate penal action.
The Website shall be dynamically updated with regard to Mandatory Disclosures